Anyways, I have got a few friends who are off to uni this month so following on from my Guide to being a Fresher, I thought it would be useful to give my Top 10 Uni Essentials that I think you should definitely take with you!
I limited it to 10 otherwise I'd be here forever - I rolled up to freshers week with a 7 seater car and a roof box full of stuff. So, let's begin!

2) Earplugs - There will be nights (especially if you are in large halls) where you just want to sleep but everyone else around you is wanting to go out. The guys above me regularly had, what sounded like, wrestling matches at 4am in the morning. On numerous occasions I thought the floor was going to fall through but thanks to my earplugs I always got back to sleep!
3) Speakers - An essential for good pre-drinks!
4) Fridge - Most people wouldn't classify this as an essential but if you want people's hands off your food then I'd get one. If not for your food then get one as a booze fridge, no one likes a warm cider.
5) Extension Cables - You never know how many plugs they'll be in your room, always room for more!
6) Fancy Dress - I wouldn't go out and buy stuff in particular because you probably won't know what you are dressing up as but it's handy to take some face paint, UV paint, glowsticks, funny glasses etc.
7) Pack of cards X2 - Preferably more than one pack because they always get sticky and ripped from spilled alcohol!
8) Door Stop - Handy for using during freshers. Stick it under the door the minute you get there so you can say hi to any passing strangers. "HEY NEW FRIEND!" (<<don't say that)

10) Food & Alcohol - If you are self catered then take enough food to last a few days. The last thing you want to do during freshers is find the nearest supermarket! And of course take the parents for an alcohol stocking session before you go.
NOT ESSENTIAL: Bottle Openers and USB sticks. If you go to your freshers fair you get loads of stuff like that for free.
I hope this has been helpful. Obviously its subjective but I thought it would be good to include some things that you might not necessarily have thought of! Don't forget to subscribe (top right hand corner!)
Alex x
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