Thursday, 26 September 2013

Get your passport, and your bikini... IBIZA

Hello all,

It has been an absolute age since I have blogged and I cannot apologise enough. The summer has absolutely ran away with me and I now find myself in September. Both Alex and I have returned to uni for our final year and we have a lot ahead of us!!

Thanks to Alex for keeping the blog alive during the summer. I have been crazy busy working but in between I have had some time for a little fun in the sun with my favourite people.

Back in August, I travelled to the infamous party island of Ibiza for a few days. It was my first time to the island and after having heard big things, I was excited to see if it lived up to its expectations! My friend Sophie and I flew out together and met up with the rest of our friends who were already out there. The first night was really civilised with a lovely dinner by the harbour and drinks back at the villa.

Our second night was one that I was most looking forward to- Zoo Project! For those of you that don't know this night is held in an abandoned zoo just outside of San Antonio and people get their faces/arms painted to go along with the theme. Here's a photo of us in our paint

All painted up for Zoo project!

After that crazy night we decided that we would spend the next evening ticking something off all of our Ibiza bucket lists... to watch the sunset at Café Mambo. I must say, it was breath taking, I got extremely emotional and so many people were sat on the beach watching the beautiful view. Also Café Mambo has some great DJ's playing whilst your enjoying your dinner. The night we were there Solomun was playing and the music was sooo good!

Another thing that we ticked off our Ibiza bucket list was a boat party, we went on one of the Pukka Up boat parties with the after party at Amnesia. Everyone was on great form on the boat and again it was amazing to watch the sunset on the boat. Here is a photo of the four of us on the front of the boat...

Ibiza is one of those places that you HAVE to visit at least once in a lifetime. I can certainly say I would hesitate going back again as there is so much to do, just make sure you SAVE SAVE SAVE before you go as it isn't the cheapest place to go.

Enjoy xo

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Joy The Baker's Cinnamon Pull-Apart Bread

Paris: Part Two never happened. No excuses, No excuses! However, I figured I'd probs left it too long to do that and figure I would do a little post on today's activities instead!

I have seen this bread on Pinterest so many times and I love Joy The Baker's food blog. So a day in blobbing with the boyf definitely provided the perfect opportunity to give it a go. It was pretty delish but I would recommend not to put the sugar that falls off over the top. The inside was doughy, sweet, and mouth-watering but the crust was way way to sugary!

Give it a go and find the recipe HERE
